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Pergas is a Singapore-based Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), registered as a society (Persatuan Ulama dan Guru-Guru Agama Islam (Singapura) (Singapore Islamic Scholars and Religious Teachers Association)) on 20 February 1957 with UEN: S57SS0012G issued by the Registry of Societies. Subsequently, Pergas attained its Charity status from the Commissioner of Charities on 30 May 2005; with the Charity registration number: 1884.
Pergas dedicates itself in raising the quality of Islamic Education and Welfare of the Islamic Religious Teachers (Asatizah). The association was initiated by our senior reputable teachers (masyaikh), amongst many were the late Kiyai Hj Zoohri Mutamim, Ustaz Hj Daud Ali, Ustaz Hj Idris Ahmad, Tuan Guru Hj Said Ibrahim and Ustaz Hj Amin Muslim.
Vision: Credible and visionary leadership of Ulama and Asatizah
Mission: Developing a generation of Asatizah who are expert and friendly in guiding the community
Over the years, the role of the Islamic religious teachers (Asatizah) has transformed to serve the increased expectations of the Malay/ Muslims society and ever changing dakwah landscape in Singapore. It evolved from traditional leadership roles, to assuming more versatile roles that contribute to shaping positive public opinion of the Muslim community.
Scholars (Ulama) and religious teachers (Asatizah) today, play multiple roles by acquiring specialised knowledge in different fields. Their roles extend beyond the traditional madrasah classrooms and mosques, allowing them to function as Socio-religious scholars, Lecturers, Administrators, Writers, Research Analysts, Entrepreneurs and Curriculum Developers in Mosques and other Islamic institutions.
As an organisation that “Upholds the legacy of the Prophet”, PERGAS strives to participate actively in Singapore’s civil society. One of the ways is through public engagement on issues pertaining to the Muslim community, such as the Compulsory Education (2000); the Hijab or Tudung issue in National Schools (2002); Jemaah Islamiah (2002/03); Casino & Gambling proposals (2004); Isreali aggression on Palestine (2008); Danish Caricature (2007); Homosexual & Gay rights (2008), Innocence of the Muslim (2012), Gaza Crisis (2012), Rohingya Mass Killing (2013), Merciless Killing in Rabaah (2013), Tudung Issue (2013), HPB FAQ on Sexuality (2014), Online Gambling (2016), Section 377A (2018), Black Metal Music (2019).